What is the Declaration of Independence accusing King George III of doing? The full statement is: "The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.
The answer is 'B'.
Perestroika was a Soviet policy to make the economy more open to foreign competition and individual citizens.
Mikhail Gorbachev attempted to reconstruct the economic system of the Communist Party.
Example: Ending price controls
Glasnost refers to the government becoming more open.
c. borrow words from other languages.
d. invent languages.
e. use abstract terms including past and future.
Linguists are experts who engage in the scientific study, analysis and preservation of language.
Linguists agree the ability to speak a language sets humans apart from other animals because we can invent languages, borrow words from other languages and use abstract terms including past and future.
On the other hand, animals cannot do any of the aforementioned because they are not as smart, intelligent and creative as the human species.
Hence, this set humans apart from other animals as higher level animals with the ability to use language as a tool for effective and efficient communication. Humans can use language as an expression of emotions, feelings and connotation.