The people in that society were aginainst weapons and Comumbus didn't know they were rich until they showed him a temple where they kept a lot of gold and silver. After he saw the gold, he called them rich and sofisticated just because they had something he wanted. Most of what he saw after that was an easy target for conquer but he went back to Europe due to lack of funding.
They nominated Stephen A. Douglas.
it's spelled Muhammed(pbuh), I don't know the answer but I just wanted to correct you since it's disrespectful to the Muslim community:)
★ Adams decided to represent the British soldiers who were charged with murder in the Boston Massacre. The reason for this was that no one would actually volunteer to act as the defense attorney in this case. Adams, as the defense attorney, had to put his client's interest first, regardless of who they were. For these reasons, he was likely displeased with the verdict because his clients were not found guilty of a lesser crime of manslaughter.
Hope you have a great day ;-)
It’s more than wanting to break away from England they were trying to have their own rights and freedoms and England was like a tyrant and so I signaled freedom.