If you have a temporary restraining order and a court hearing coming up, you cannot “drop” the case. ... If you already have a “permanent” restraining order and you want to dismiss (drop) the case or change the restraining order, you must file papers to go to court and ask the judge.
In simple words, In order to reconcile human rights with both the common interest, the courts must determine each circumstance on a scenario-by-case basis, bearing into consideration democratic values, existing statutes and previous Supreme Court and other tribunals decisions.
In America, our Constitution and other founding documents grant certain human freedoms or civil liberties. America's founders, including Thomas Jefferson as well as James Madison, intentionally placed these freedoms throughout the Bill of Rights because the government might consider it quite challenging to abrogate them.
The term 'lawyer' is an umbrella term for both solicitors and barristers. Solicitors provide general legal advice on a variety of issues. Barristers are specialists in certain legal fields that solicitors can instruct on behalf of their client to appear in court.