In this question we are going to answer a series of questions about verbs in French.
<h3>The conjugation of verbs in French?</h3>
The conjugation of verbs in French is a very basic thing. The good thing is that this subject is not very difficult. At the same time, without knowing him, it is quite difficult to have a conversation with a French-speaking native.
1. Fill in the blanks in the following sentence with the words that will make the sentence mean "This book here is good!
2. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate form of the verb manger.
- Je préfére manger un sandwich
3. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate verb.
4. Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the word(s) that will make the sentence express the recent past.
- Nous sommes allés camper hier
5. You want to know where someone went last night. Fill in the blank in the following question with the appropriate interrogatory word.
- où êtes-vous allés hier soir?
To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.
Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.
Learn more about French in
Il a deux histoires. À qui parlez-vous les gars?
<em>Il</em> - he
<em>a</em> - form of <em>avoir</em>, meaning "has."
<em>deux</em> - two
<em>histoires </em>- stories
<em>À qui </em>- which one?/who?
<em>parlez-vous</em> - to speak (plural)
<em>les gars</em> - guys?
C. Pour à <u>aider</u> la maison on peut <u>faire</u> la cuisine et <u>mettre</u> le couvert. Après le repas on peut <u>débarrasser</u> la table et <u>laver</u> la vaisselle. On peut aussi <u>passer</u> l'aspirateur. Moi, je n'aime pas <u>sortir</u> la poubelle et je déteste <u>laver</u> la voiture. Je préfère <u>promener</u> le chien et <u>ranger</u> ma chambre.
D. D'habitude je fais de la cuisine et mettre le couvert. Je sors aussi la poubelle toutes les semaines, et je promene mon chien deux fois par jour.
Just conjugate the verb finir for each one. Each of the sentences are present tense:
Je finis
Tu finis
Il/Elle/On finit
Nous finissons
Vous finissez
Ils/Elles finissent
-IR verb endings are:
Céline finit
Sandrine et elisabeth finissent
Vous finissez
Je finis
Nathalie et Hervé finissent
Tu finis
Damien finit
Nous finissions
A. Toujours
I am _ shy with people that I know little.
I am always shy with people that I know little.