The most effective choice for a speech is usually the one that could aroused the emotion of your audiences.
So it would be something like : the history of democracy
With this topic, you could remind the audience on the fight that your ancestors have to pass through to achieve the current greatness and conditions
hope this helps
Authoritative Parenting
Authoritative Parenting is a parenting style characterized by the imposition of strongly established boundaries. Although parents who adopt Authoritative Parenting provide some emotional support, this kind of parenting does not consider the learning process and the child's ability to take responsibility. It is the controlling style that ignores growth and maturity and does not rest even on what you have tried to transfer to your child.
Children in this parenting style are experts at managing appearance, behaving seemingly consistent with their parents' wishes, but at the first opportunity do not hesitate to break the rules.
There are several aspects of our modern life that originated in the Judaic faith. For example:
- Judaism was the first monotheistic religion, and it gave rise to Christianity. As Christianity was the dominant religion over much of Europe, and Europe colonized such large territories, the effects of this can be felt almost anywhere in the world.
- Judaism also created the idea of the weekend, through the concept of <em>Shabbat</em>, which is the day of the week in which no work is performed.
- The Torah (the holy text of Judaism) is alone in the Ancient World in claiming that laws apply to everyone equally, regardless of class, race or social status. This concept is important in most codes of law everywhere in the world.
Judaism also remains visible and relevant in the modern world due to the practices of modern Jewish communities who still maintain their traditions alive.
WW2 I believe/think. That would be my answer.
who :queen Raina
What: a buisness woman
When: may 2006
Why:she was committed to making the world a better place for children and women.