I believe that Faustus originally asked Mephastophilis to bring him Helen of Troy because he lusted after Helen and wanted to possess her.
Helen is the symbol of ultimate beauty, and his hedonistic side wanted to indulge his more primal needs.
The Russian short story "Forbidden Fruit" by Fazil Iskander tells the story of the young narrator fell upon the <em>"forbidden fruit"</em>, which in his case, is eating pork. Though commanded by his religious dictates, the narrator finds himself in conflict with his knowledge of his sister's consumption of pork and the need to stay loyal to his religious belief, the need to gain favor from his parents.
In the given passage from the story, the narrator seems to regret his past action of betraying and revealing his sister's secret of <em>"eating pork at Uncle Shura's house"</em>. No matter the treachery, he accepts that nothing can justify it the way he had done. And now that he's also taken to eating <em>"pork like everyone else"</em>, it seems to convey no happiness in him, just regret at the insensitive and wrong way of dealing things.
The Lion gave a great roar and sprang towards them, and the poor Winkies were so frightened that they ran back as fast as they could.
I totally agree with u! The story was great and the theme u stated as "the best statement" goes with the story so well!
It reminds them about the lost souls