Athletes - Legacy students.
What is analyzed in this study are the preferences for different types of applicant exercised by elite universities. As the study gathered, athletes are four times more likely that other students to gain admission whereas legacy students were just three times more likely to be admitted.
The result of the study described how elite universities gave added weight in admission decisions to applicants who have high SAT scores (above 1500), are African American, or are recruited athletes. There was also preference to Hispanic students as well as children of former students. It explains how those elite colleges extend preferences to many types of students and how this is controversial.
True, while technology such as phones has made nearly instantaneous communication possible we now have to deal with phone and computer addiction.
Answer: The correct answer is : Stereotyping
Explanation: An advantage of a stereotype is that it allows us to respond quickly to certain situations since it is possible to have had a similar experience before. A disadvantage of a stereotype is that it can make us ignore the differences between people. which leads us to make generalizations.
<u>A</u> 1. The Supreme Court established the __________________ test to create a standard for speech and what is or is not protected especially in times of war.
<u>A. Clear and Present Danger</u>
B. Direct Incitement
C. Both are correct
<u>A</u> 2. By way of a Supreme Court decision, which of the following is unconstitutional in public schools?
C.all forms of speech
D.All of the answers are correct
<u>T</u> 3. How society looks at a respective civil liberty can culturally or ideologically give that liberty greater weight but in terms of the legality or even constitutionality, no one civil liberty is more legal/more important than the others. <u>TRUE</u> or FALSE
1. "The Supreme Court established the clear and present danger test as the predominant standard for determining when speech is protected by the First Amendment."
2. You are not permitted to bring any form of a weapon on school property.
3. This statement clearly describes the Civil Liberty law. Besides, everyone is equal, as it states in the last part of the statement; " no one civil liberty is more legal/more important than the others."