In the Middle Ages, most people lived in villages and worked as agricultural laborers, or peasants. Every village had a “lord,” and peasants worked on his land. Much of what they produced went to the lord and his family. What little food was leftover went to support the peasants’ families. In return for their labor, the lord offered them protection. A peasant’s day usually began before sunrise and involved long hours of backbreaking work, which included plowing the land, planting seeds, and cutting the crops for harvesting. The working life of a peasant in the Middle Ages was usually demanded and exhausting.
There might be something wrong.
The closed door suggests separation and distance.
The speaker feels abandoned and alone.
Parents have also been taught by society to eat and like the latest
sweets and snack food. Therefore, it is really difficult to change this attitude that in the household. Browsing through the product label takes a lot of time and not many people do it. Another thing is that healthy food is very expensive. So that, people prefer sweets and snacks.
In the stanzas containing the famous phrase 'of mice and men' Robert Burns, the poet, compares a rat's ability to live in the present to the human's inability.
Robert Burns is one of the defining figures of Romantic thought. <u>this poem compares the state of bliss that animals live in to the unnatural life a human leads</u> due to their excessive thinking and the woes of modern life.
this is evident in the last 2 stanzas of the poem 'to a mouse' when Burns first calls the mouse 'no thy-lane<u>'</u> and then <u>calls it more fortunate because it can blissfully live in the present</u> while<u> a human is doomed to worry about the future and keep thinking about the past.</u>