Gatsby does not partake in DRINKING
Gatsby met Dan Cody and what impacts Cody had on Gatsby's life. One of the impacts that Cody had was that he, indirectly, made Gatsby not want to drink much. Gatsby doesn't want to drink too much because he doesn't want to be like Cody was when he drank, in the book Gatsby had had to be Cody's "jailer" at times. That implies that Cody got out of control when he was drunk. Gatsby's character does not seem to be one that would enjoy being out of control and I think this is why he hardly drank.
The movie Industry
Thomas Edison invented the phonograph in 1877, and it quickly became the most popular home-entertainment device of the century. Seeking to provide a visual accompaniment to the phonograph, Edison commissioned Dickson, a young laboratory assistant, to invent a motion-picture camera in 1888.
I believe it's "Some schools have sought to have the Supreme Court reverse its ruling in a related case with First Amendment implications, Tinker v. Des Moines."
The landmark January 1988 decision in Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier was a giant step back for student press and speech rights. Unlike an earlier Supreme Court ruling that established the so-called Tinker Standard, the Hazelwood decision declared students do shed some of their Constitutional rights at the schoolhouse gate
Persona Computers
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