It was different because it remained independent during the colonial era when the rest of South East Asia was colonized. It modernized itself and worked with both British and French colonies but remained independent and chose who they wanted to work with. The territory of Siam is what is nowadays known as Thailand, so you can see that Thailand managed to develop itself and its culture independently of the colonizers who ran rampant among the South East Asian region and which caused many wars in recent times.
Answer: Cementery Ridge
Little Round Top
Culp's Hill
Explanation:By evening, the Federal troops rallied on high ground on the southeastern edge of Gettysburg. As more troops arrived, Meade’s army formed a three-mile long, fishhook-shaped line running from Culp’s Hill on the right flank, along Cemetery Hill and Cemetery Ridge, to the base of Little Round Top. The Confederates held Gettysburg, and stretched along a six-mile arc around the Union position. Lee’s forces would continue to batter each end of the Union position, before launching the infamous Pickett’s Charge against the Union center on July 3.
Inca roads help the government consolidate and maintain power because it would allow messages to be sent from one person in power (government officials) to another communicate with each other