When approaching an incident scene, awareness-level responders should remember to apply the concept of RAIN: (R) Recognize, (A) Avoid, (I) Isolate, and (N) Notify.
This acronym RAIN is frequently used in first responder training and weapon of mass destruction awareness programs. Terrorist acts are not always obvious. The text emphasizes that biological weapons can be deployed covertly, leaving no visible evidence for days or weeks until the first cases appear after the agent's incubation period. In this case, health-care providers must be on the lookout for signs and symptoms of the diseases that comprise Categories A, B, and C. Alternatively, there could be visible signs that a biological weapon has been used.
The letters containing the agent, like the Amerithrax incident, came with a warning. To protect themselves and contain the outbreak, awareness-level responders and first receivers must be properly trained. The acronym RAIN serves as a framework for their actions. The key to an effective response is recognition. Knowing that a problem exists prompts a slew of responses from numerous agencies at all levels.
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