I think when it says you deserve the best because that evokes emotion
the deeper he goes into Hell, the lower levels of it, the sins become worse. Starting from Limbo, where the sinners haven't committed anything that serious, until he gets to the ninth circle where the worst sinners are.
Vibrato comes from theItalian word vibrare, which means to vibrate.
Tobacco can be used in several ways according to its presentation: inhaled (cigarette, cigar, straw cigarette); snuff; chewed (coil smoke), but in all its forms it is harmful to health. The toxic substances act on the most diverse systems and organs, contain more than 60 carcinogens.
Smoking causes about 50 different diseases, mainly cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, heart attack, angina, and stroke. It is responsible for many deaths from lung, mouth, larynx, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, kidney and bladder cancer and obstructive respiratory diseases such as chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema. Tobacco lowers the body's defenses and thus the smoker tends to increase the incidence of acquiring diseases such as influenza and tuberculosis. Tobacco also causes sexual impotence.
This question is about the poem "What Love Isn't"
They contribute by showing that lived love is very different from assisted or heard love.
The poem shows that experiencing love is completely different from everything we watch or hear, especially in relation to the films, because the films show an easy love, where everything is resolved quickly with happiness and joy. However, in real life, love goes through very difficult trials that can often overcome love.
Music on the other hand, has a more realistic view of love, but also idealized and very particular to the singer and composer. Since, each person has a different experience on how to love.