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The Classic period was considered a trade mark of the cities of Mayan culture.
This period took place in 250 AD to 900 AD, and all the achievements of arts were achieved by the Mayan civilizations in this period.
Here's a timeline:
400 AD -- Teotihuacan became the dominant city that had power over Mayan's mountains.
560 AD -- Tikal city was conquered by the union of other city-states.
600 AD -- Teotihuacan stopped being the center of cultural events.
900 AD -- Teotihuacan gets abandoned. The end of Maya Classic period.
Archeologists and other people still know very little about those events and why this period was ruined and over, it all still remains a mystery.
Price Takers
Firms in perfect competition are price takers
All businesses have to accept the price that is set by the market
Firms are not able to set their own price
Price Makers
As pure monopolies rarely exist having one firm as a price maker is unlikely
If firms are able to set prices in a market the extent to which they can is influenced by price elasticity for that market, the more inelastic the demand for a product the more a firm can set the price