1: nature: gains a personal touch or idea of what nature could be/ deeper meaning of influential decision
2: people and world events: allows you to see a deeper meaning of what people/world events mean/ to them or others
3: myths and legends: they can inspire your imagination and allow you to create a world with familiarity
4: spiritual or religious beliefs: some religious beliefs allow you to see what different religions look like from a different time period, or gives you an opportunity to depict for yourself what you think of different religious perspectives in art form
5: creative techniques: artists will use creative techniques to have a unique perspective on what they are explaining
He finds that she's indifferent to tragedy
I'm unsure what the question here is, but I absolutely agree. You should choose an instrument for you and your own interests. The reality of it is that it's all trial and error. You might try five different instruments and like none of them, or you might try five different instruments and like all of them. Some people just aren't musicians and that's ok. Do what makes you happy.
D: smaller
He needs to make it smaller so its deatailed