B. Using short, punchy sentences.
A, C, and D are all answers that mean that you linger in only one spot. For example, meditating (from A) is a synonym for staying. Long, complex sentences would take a slower time to read. Increasing the pacing of a story mean making it a shorter time to read,
Hope this helps! c:
The word or phrase broken into syllables.
the word or phrase with the pronunciation indicated through the use of diacritical marks – marks that indicate the vowel sounds such as a long vowel or a vowel affected by other sounds; accent marks, a mark called the schwa that tells you that the vowel is in an unaccented syllable of the word.
the part or parts of speech the word functions as – for example as a noun (n.), verb (v.), adjective (adj.), or adverb (adv.).
related forms of the word, such as the plural form of nouns and the past tense of verbs.
the definition or definitions of the word or phrase. Generally dictionaries group the definitions according to a word's use as a noun, verb, adjective, and/or adverb.
the origin, or etymology, of the word or words, such as from the Latin, Old French, Middle English, Hebrew, the name of a person. Some dictionaries use the symbol < to mean "came from." For example, the origin of the word flank is given as "<Old French flanc<Germanic." This tells us that flank came from the Old French word fanc. The French word in turn came from the German language. Some dictionaries use abbreviations to tell you where the item came from: OE for Old English, L for Latin, and so forth.
First step: Remove the negative sign of the exponent by switching the numerator and denominator.
When an exponent is in a fraction form, the numerator is the power the base will be raised to while the denominator is the root.
Second step: find the cube root.
Third: raise to the power.
1/4 or 0.25
64 to the negative 1 third power is 1 OVER 4.
- He wants to make sure that no one else knows that the girls could be lying and Danforth doesn't want to lose his position of authority.
In the context of 'The Crucible III,' the key reason for thinking that Danforth was disturbed regarding whether Proctor had informed anyone else regarding the lies of the girls is that 'he didn't wish to lose his position of authority.' He had an inner threat that he might lose his authority and therefore, he wanted to ensure that nobody else comes to know about the lies told by the girls in order to safeguard his position.
dont hunger games is a very long and frustrating book so just do a similar book