Unity in Diversity is very important for a country because it is very easy to disintegrate people with different views and ideologies. If there is unity among the people despite their differences, it will always be impossible for a force to disintegrate the nation.
Answer: The hidden curriculum
What is the hidden curriculum?
All the material and activities that are not written, not officially prescribed , and usually not related to the content of the lesson which includes values and perspective which children learn in school are all known as hidden curriculum. This can be said to be an informal curriculum.
Formal curriculum is the one where all the lesson, subjects and other school activities are prescribed and written down for the intention of teaching the children.
Hidden curriculum comprises of social ,cultural and unspoken academic communication to the learner's
For example children learn how to approach diversity which means how they can interact with other races different from theirs , how to talk to older people,how does a person carry themselves within the society all of these are not recognised as intended lessons but children do learn them through hidden curriculum.
Hidden curriculum can be of an assistant in improving learners ability to copy with the formal curriculum or they could be opposing ideas between the two also. For example students may be taught about embracing diversity especially racial diversity however if the experience opposes what they learn there is now no correlation between the two.
So the correlation between the formal and hidden curriculum is crucial to emphasize theorical issues practically.
Hidden curriculum helps students practice what they have learnt in school socially , culturally and through interaction with the environment that they are in .
Take control of the area and gain economic benefits.
Take control of the area and gain economic benefits are the different approaches taken by the United States toward its new possessions after the war. Powerful countries takes possession of new regions with the help of war in order to support its economy by using natural resources as well as taxation. These approaches helps the country to gain more benefit and maintain power in the region.
Concrete operational
Piaget was a psychologist who developed a theory on cognitive development from birth to adolescence according to which people go through different stages in their process of thinking developing a more mature and rational thinking as they grow.
One of the stages of this development is called the Concrete Operational stage and it takes place during the ages of 7 to 11. During this stage children start using logic as a way of thinking and start realizing how other people feel and view different situations (and therefore they are less egocentric). One of the main milestones of this period is the development of the concept of conservation: They start understanding that when we take some liquid from a container and move it to a different container, the amount of liquid remains the same, for example.
Therefore, it is in the Concrete Operational stages where a child would have just developed the ability to conserve.