Everyone was kind of doing their own thing at the time- making decisions they'd regret and abiding by what they thought was right. Eventually, the men who wrote the constitution, including James Maddison and Thomas Jefferson, thought it was a time for change and more of a constructed nation which helped them to come along the idea of writing the constitution. They figured if the rules were put into place and were to be followed, then the civilization of America would be more of a healthier environment to live in, verbally and physically.
a) True
Although humans rely heavily on language to understand and connect with each other, this is not the only way in which humans can exchange information. One of the most important skills that humans use to fulfill this purpose is the use of nonverbal behaviours. This includes actions such as face expressions, hand gestures and postures. The purpose of such means of communication is to facilitate service and task goals by adding on or substituting the information that is communicated verbally.
Fighting major sea battles between 1861 and 1862, creating a blockade of confederate ports, taking control of the Mississippi river.
Human capitals
It can be classified as the economic value of a worker's experience and skills