Because fervent means having or displaying a passionate intensity.
1) The Heading (usually contains the return address. If necessary, there will be an email, phone number, fax, something similar)
2) The Inside Address (the address of who you're sending this to)
3) The Greeting (aka the salutation. Something like: dear or hello, etc)
4) The Body (the message you're writing)
5) The Complimentary Close (a short, polite closing)
6) The Signature Line (sign name of who wrote it)
I think you are intended to pick B, but I think D is an answer most teachers would agree with. A wage paid the average teacher does not permit the spouse to stay at home to raise children.
C is OK but it is very stilted.
A leads you nowhere.
You want chinese food but your friend just got back from 6 weeks in San Francisco and is crazy for a good taco. You happily accept the prospect of a taco.
Another example of acceptance would be agreeing with the theory of evolution.