Following is attached solution to each part. I hope it will help you!
Ether get a new headset or take out the plug blow on it or wipe it or clean the inside of the computer where the headset wire goes
B.) is what most employers are looking for
The delimiter use is "::".
The Java inbuilt String.split( ) function is use to split a String into an array of String.
The split( ) takes delimiter as arguments/parameter which determines at which point the string is to be broken down into different part/token.
From the above code snippet;
Each line in the file a.txt that is not null is splitted using the statement below:
String[ ] v = line.split("::");
The line is splitted using "::" as delimiter and the resulting array is then assigned to the variable 'v'.
For instance, a line in the file could take the form:
When it is splitted,
String lname = John;
because lname make reference to index 0 of the array.
String fname = Smith;
because fname make reference to index 1 of the array.
String dept = Music;
and dept make reference to index 2 of the array.
Answer: rootkit
Hi, A rootkit is a collection of computer software, typically malicious, designed to enable access to a computer or an area of its software that is not otherwise allowed (for example, to an unauthorized user) and often masks its existence or the existence of other software.
A rootkit provides continued privileged access to a computer while hiding its presence. Because of this hiding characteristic it is very difficult to detect.
Once a rootkit has been installed, it allows someone to have total remote control of a computer and do things such as files executions and system changes.