T<span>he democratic process is the representation. Interest groups represent the views/opinions of group to the government and the general public.
Virtually every political opinion you hold is represented by some interest group or another.
Interest</span><span> groups allow people to put their voices together and be heard more than they could by themselves. </span>
A new government grounded on democracy and classical liberalism(Enlightenment ideals)
<span>The rule of law is an essential principle in the nation but not nearly as important as the idea of majority rule.
The rule of law is the most important principle in the nation where votes of the majority determine the laws.
The rule of the majority with protection for the minority's rights is essential for preserving the liberties of all.
The rule of the majority is the only principle on which this nation should run in order to protect democracy.
</span><span>Jefferson was Anti Fed, so he wanted maajority rule and less central government. but later in his second term, he kept some of hamilton's financial programs (which were heavily federalist), but following the quote, I would say d.</span><span>