Negativ numbers no matter how big, will always be less than zero. The correct Answer is A) 45,15,0,-11,-37
To find mean of data add all the numbers in the set of data and divide the sum by the number of addends.
To find range, identify the difference between the highest value and lowest value in the set of data.
Mean, mode, median and range are the primary measurements used to get the measures of central tendencies. To get the mean and range; first arrange the data in an ascending order, then identify the highest value and the lowest value in the set. The difference between these two data values gives the range of the set of values. For the mean, add all the set of values and then divide their sum with the number of values in the set of data.
see explaination
import random
def number_guess(num):
n = random.randint(1, 100)
if num < n:
print(num, "is too low. Random number was " + str(n) + ".")
elif num > n:
print(num, "is too high. Random number was " + str(n) + ".")
print(num, "is correct!")
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Use the seed 900 to get the same pseudo random numbers every time
# Convert the string tokens into integers
user_input = input()
tokens = user_input.split()
for token in tokens:
num = int(token)
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