The Black Death was an epidemic of bubonic plague, a disease caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that circulates among wild rodents where they live in great numbers and density. ... Plague among humans arises when rodents in human habitation, normally black rats, become infected
IF you need more im always here just comment and ill say more
Abandonment of villages is often related to epidemic, famine, war, climate change, environmental destruction, or deliberate clearances.
D: They sought a more hospitable climate :-)
<span>Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s farewell address to Congress on April 19, 1951. MacArthur was invited to speak to a Joint Session of Congress after he was fired by President Harry Truman for having made critical statements about Truman’s policies as it related to the Korean War. MacArthur spoke eloquently in his speech about the nobility of the American Soldier, and closed with his famous statement, “Old Soldiers never die, they just fade away.” This speech is a masterpiece of public speaking, whatever you think of Truman’s decision to fire MacArthur.</span>
no, no french cities have ever been bombed by the soviet union