E. This act substantially lowered the price of tea sold in the colonies.
The answer to this question can be quite subjective. Some people will say that the telephone is the most important invention, or the automobile, or the plane, but for me personally, I'd choose antibiotics.
It is a modern-day invention (as opposed to the Middle Ages, for example) which changed our lives for the better. Before penicillin was discovered in the 1920s by Alexander Fleming, people were constantly dying because of most harmless diseases. But after antibiotics were invented, people were given a chance to recover from their illnesses much more easily.
The population of Puerto Rico traces its ancestry in mostly the Spanish colonists and the indigenous people of the island. They have mixed over time and gradually created a mestizo population, which became the dominant population on the island and still is. There are of course some other influences in the gene pool of the Puerto Ricans, with some of it being from the African continent because of the African slaves that were brought, but it is a small minority, and it is also a population that has been heavily mixed.
Its The Spanish-American War of 1898
The Middle colonies were called the “Breadbasket colonies” because of their fertile soil, ideal for farming.