Exercise 1 In the blank write n if the italicized word is used a noun. Write p if it is used as a pronoun. Write v if it is used
as a verb. Write adj. if it is used as an adjective. Write adv. if it is used as an adverb. Write c if it is used as a conjunction. Write prep. if it is used as a preposition. Write i if it is used as an interjection. Why, you’re the news anchor for the Channel 10 news!
A word or phrase that seems to be semantically distinct from the words around it and predominantly reflects feeling rather than meaning is termed an interjection.
The description of the main interjection?
Individual words and sounds that are only employed as interjections are known as primary interjections. Like the words from previously in our program, "oops," "huh," "woohoo," "ow," "ouch," and "yum," they have no further uses or meanings.
An interjection is a phrase or word that abruptly or exclamatorily expresses something, usually an emotion.
The form of an interjection can be a single word, a term, or even a brief clause. In addition, they are typically (though not always) included at the start of a sentence.
The value of interjections resides in their ability to express sentiments that might otherwise go unspoken in a statement.