A ) Fans do not use as much electricity as air conditioners
1. My uncle is driving from New York to San Francisco next summer.
2. Next weekend, I am having a party.
3. My parents are going to buy me a digital camera for my birthday.
First, anacoluthon evident while saying "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country" to place emphasis on the shift/flip in thought process.
chiasmus- the inversion of country, you -you, country
asterismos- "my fellow americans" being it's fairly obvious that at an inaugural speech the vast majority, if not all absent invited foreign diplomats, only Americans are in attendance. However, it seemed necessary to bring the speech to an almost informal level to reach all listeners with a sense of unity and level field.
short of analyzing the entire speech, this famed phrase holds to be a powerful insighter of the original idealism this country was founded on. the idea that if every citizen does their part, no matter how little, our country would continue to prosper and thrive exponentially to become truly the world's greatest nation.
The given sentence above is an example of a sentence. It is a sentence since it has a subject and a predicate, and also, it conveys a complete thought. Clause fragments are those types of clauses that do not have either the subject or predicate and does not convey a complete thought. Hope this answer helps.
a countless or extremely great number.