By engaging in warfare against the pagan Saxons for over three decades, forcing them to convert to Christianity, and unifying Europe.
Charlemagne, who was also known as Charles the Great ruled a major portion of Western Europe in medieval times.
He went about seeking to bring all the people together and unite them and he accomplished this by fighting and winning several wars against the Saxons and trying to unite Bavaria, the Lombards, and the Avars.
His efforts were recognized in 800 when the Pope crowned him the "Emperor of the Romans".
His empire would go on to last generations because of his ruthlessness and fight for Christianity in Western Europe.
The Patriot Act was not needed by the government and was overblown and misused more often than not.
The Patriot Act out of many unconstitutional things it does, violates the fourth amendment which protects the people against unwarranted searching without any proper reason.
The law that was passed in the aftermath of the 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center came as US wanted to increase home security and wanted to crack down on terrorists.
However, this law made itself a safeguard of Xenophobia.
many people were taken into custody and prisoners by the look of their skin and often persecuted for a long time before being set free.
They could own property, inherit, even get a paid job. Children were loved. They were educated to the best of a family's ability to do so. They were allowed to play and visit friends.
All the nations(for example Europe) was included in the Great War. The Civil War only included the Union and the Confederate states.