⇒ Let's say <em>
Harry Potter</em>
is a hero you could choose, right?</h3>
Here are some reasons why he isn't such a great character.
- He is <em>hot headed.</em>
- He is often <em>sullen and moody.</em>
- He tends to think the world revolves around him. Tends to be <em>arrogant.</em>
- He <em>doesn't listen to anyone</em> when he is convinced he is right.
- He <em>hates it when his privacy is violated but he hates it when anyone keeps secrets </em>from him.
- He <em>isn't a very good friend</em> much of the time.
- He <em>uses Voldemort's name despite everyone's discomfort with it.</em>
- He's an <em>attention seeker.</em>
- He has absolutely <em>no respect for authority.</em>
- He's incredibly <em>entitled.</em>
- He's <em>physically aggressive.</em>
- He <em>implements his powers sadistically.</em>
<h2>Let's put it into summary.</h2><h3>
⇒ Now you know how bad his personality can be. Let's summarize it up.</h3>
Harry Potter is a world wide famous character in the movie series and books. On the other hand, not everybody that's famous can have a good personality. He's an ordinary person\wizard just like everybody else. Why is he famous? He's immune to Voldemort's overly powerful magic. Despite that, maybe he doesn't deserve all the fame due to his personality. Harry can be hot headed, sullen and moody, arrogant, oblivious, self centered, thinks the world revolves around himself, he's physically aggressive, incredibly entitled, an attention seeker, has no respect for authority, he hates it when his privacy is violated but he hates it when anyone keeps secrets from him, uses Voldemort's name despite everyone's discomfort with it, doesn't listen to anyone when he is convinced he is right, implements his powers sadistically and overall isn't a very good friend. All in all, his personality isn't fantastic. It could use a lot of improvements.
<h2>I hope this helps! Have a great day.</h2><h3>
hyperophora is when someone at an interview or speech or someone in general asks a question and then answers the question himself/herself.
(if you ever watched zootopia, in the end of the movie the fox tells the bunny when she goes for speech to ask a question and then answer it herself. just an example XD )
If I had time, I would go shopping with you.
Rolling around in the dirt is a Fragment. Hope that helps.