This statement is saying, females and males have the same role and carry the same 'weight' in society. Even today, we see the unequality of these two genders today. For example, females are still held the assumption to stay at home, while males are out working business. This shows that males hold more weight than females, and that females aren't the same wheel on the same cart.
1492'de Amerika'nın keşfinden sonra İspanya, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin şu anki güneybatısı, Meksika ve Karayipler'den Orta Amerika'ya, Güney Amerika'nın çoğuna ve Kuzey Amerika'nın kuzeybatı kıyılarına kadar Amerika'da geniş toprak parçalarını araştırdı ve kolonileştirdi. -gün Alaska ve Britanya Kolombiyası).
The War of 1812 is sometimes called the second war for independence. The Americans fought for their rights; for the rights to neutral trade, which British government suspended because of the continental system of the French emperor Napoleon.
2 .poor communication can chip away at self esteem and self confidence