Change you AC filter, don't forget about other AC filters, check you air ducts, use cooking vents, keep your rug and carpets clean, control humidity in your home, and buy indoor plants to refreshen the air.
The icd-10-cm codes that should be reported are 707.13
and 250.00.
To add, in the ICD-9-CM Index to Diseases, look for
Ulcer/lower extremity/ankle which refers you to code 707.13. Under subcategory
code 707.1, there is a note: Code, if applicable, any casual condition first.
The scenario does not have a causal relationship between the ulcer and diabetes
(example, ulcer due to the diabetes). The two codes will be coded separately.
The code for a diabetic manifestation is not reported because there is no
causal relationship. Look in the Index to Diseases for Diabetes, diabetic 250.0x.
In the Tabular List, a fifth digit of 0 is selected for diabetes with no
mention of complication.