Martha Nussbaum is a political philosopher who has written on the subject of feminism. One of the topics that Nussbaum has dealt with is that of objectification. Objectification is central to feminist theory. It is composed of seven elements:<em> instrumentality, denial of autonomy, inertness, fungibility, violability, ownership </em>and<em> denial of subjectivity</em>. Nussbaum argues that instrumentality is the most morally suspect of the seven. Instrumentality refers to the treatment of a person as a tool for the objectifier's purposes.
The correct option is: b) Social perception
In psychology, the term social perception refers to the ability of an individual to acquire and interpret the sensory information in a social environment and form initial impressions by making inferences about others.
It involves gathering information by observing the physical appearance, facial expressions, hand gestures, tone of voice and body language of an individual.
Social studies teach us a relationship between society and its citizens.
Citizenship education lies at the heart of social studies because in social studies we learn about the society, our responsibilities as a citizens and our rights as a citizen. Citizenship education gives people the knowledge to understand and engage with the society including politics, media, civil society, the economy and the law which can be learn from different field of social studies.
Early, late,high middle ages
They settled around the Mediterranean and Black sea, which helped spread culture.