<span>emotion-related cognitions is the answer</span>
The design of an experiment is the design of the way or method in which the experiment will be carried out. The design is made in order to prove the hypothesis which is set in the beginning.
Here, the method by which selection of the candidates is done is chosen from the phone of of all residents of Gainesville.
Hence, the question here is referring to design.
The photographs were a collection of images of people before and after death. It makes us hard to agree and believe on the simplicity of life, how things are so sorted but while we are alive, we just try to over complicate the stuff more than we know. It also makes us hate the things we have, disrespect what we are to carry and never give a thought about the matters which should be of utmost concern to us. This really makes us believe in the facts which are simple yet complex and do not allow us to think out of the box ever.There was an image of a lady. Edelgard was divorced in the early eighties, and lived on her own from then on; she had no children. From her early teens she was an active member of the Protestant church. She fell ill and thought her self to be a burden to the society in so many ways. Her face after death had no remorse or happiness or any sort of expression. It was blank and crisp without any flaws. It had a beauty to it. We never live the life when alive and have unfulfilled desires later.
The Comanches
Believe it or not they were known as the "Lords of the Plain". They were so dangerous the US military had to get involved. Good luck on your assignment
La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
Desafortunadamente la pregunta está incompleta porque no menciona al país en donde se presenta esta evasión fiscal, tampoco se anexan los resultados del estudio ni los cálculos para poder realizarlos.
Sin embargo, lo que sí podemos comentar es que la evasión fiscal en los países de Centro América y Sudamérica es uno de los mayores problemas que afectan las economías de estos lugares. La corrupción entre políticos y empresarios es enorme e impacta directamente al pequeño comerciante, empleado y contribuyente.
Precisamente, son las grandes y medianas empresas las que están acostumbradas a evadir impuestos. Se las arreglan para ver la forma de no pagar, modificando sus contabilidades y buscando recovecos en la legislación fiscal de cada país. Y al final de cuentas, las grandes empresas evaden y no les hacen hada, mientas que a los pequeños comerciantes y empleados se les obliga a pagar impuestos puntualmente. Y si no lo hace, inicia una persecución fiscal en su contra. Eso es injusto.
Una de las mejores medidas para combatir la evasión es proponer una Reforma Fiscal que sea aprobada por el Congreso para invertir esta situación y que paguen más, los que más ganan y tienen. Es decir, invertir la pirámide fiscal. Esto ya lo implementó el nuevo Presidente de México con gran éxito. La recaudación fiscal de ese país ya ha aumentado en tan sólo dos años, lo que le permite al gobierno federal tener los recursos para mantener sus programas sociales.