Hunting big cats anywhere is extremely harmful to the enviromental diversity of the world, or in this case, Africa. However, it does help the economy, but it will be a very short-lived effect. The cons definitely outweigh the pros, and besides, why buy the fur of a dead cat when you can support a rug business instead?
Answer: Hello, In fiction writing, the basic definition of setting is the time and place of a story. ... Geographic location: A story might be set in a real-life, mappable place like a particular city, state, or country, or it might be set in an imaginary world.
You're right, the answer is caring. :)
Teaching and Spoken Instruction Rubric Exceeds Expectation (3) Meets Expectation (2) Approaches Expectation (1) Total Score Introduction The introduction is inviting, states the main topic, and clearly establishes the goal of the manual. The introduction attempts to be inviting, states the topic, and establishes the goal of the manual. The introduction includes the topic and establishes the goal of the manual. Sequencing The details are placed in a logical order, and the way they are presented effectively conveys the necessary information. The details are placed in a logical order, but the way in which they are presented sometimes makes the writing less clear. Some necessary details may be missing or unclear. Word Choice The text is written as commands using active and appropriate verbs; needless words are omitted. The text is written as commands using appropriate verbs; most unnecessary language is omitted. The text is not written as commands or includes many unnecessary words. Recognition of Audience, Purpose, and Context The writer has considered the audience, purpose, and context of the piece and made necessary adjustments to the reading level, technicality, and length. The writer has considered the audience, purpose, or context and has made most necessary adjustments to the reading level, technicality, and length. The writer has considered the audience, purpose, or context but has not made all of the necessary adjustments.
B. Compition
How to spell it correctly- Competition