The German Use of submarine warfare caused tension to increase between the United States and Germany. Their submarines were called U-Boats.
Young Italy formed to create a united Italian republic through by promoting a general insurrection in the Italian reactionary states also in the lands occupied by the Austrian Empire.
In the Hebrew Bible the book of Proverbs offers the best example of practical wisdom, while Job and Ecclesiastes give expression to speculative wisdom. (just a fact i found).
The books of wisdom include Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon. They contain the poetry of the Hebrew nation and they provide the reader with important stories and wisdom. The book of Job is a study in human suffering and how we should handle it
There are seven of these books, namely the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs (Song of Solomon), the Book of Wisdom and Sirach (Ecclesiasticus). Not all the Psalms are usually regarded as belonging to the Wisdom tradition.
They believed that the Constitution was a strict document that clearly limited the powers of the federal government