<u>Answer</u>: option B they have a random gene mutation that affects their fur colour.
<u>Explanation</u> :-
- <em>Variation</em> is the phenomena which occurs in all populations.
- These variations result in slight differences in the phenotypes of individuals .
- These variations only arise due to <em>random mutations </em>that arise in the individuals’ genome and then can be inherited by their offspring.
- There is always a probability of one particular trait to make the individuals survive better in the environment as compared to other trait.
- The individuals having the trait that helps them to survive better in the environment tend to survive more and leave more progeny. This is termed as <em>survival of the fittest</em>.
- Thus, according to the question it can be inferred that the dark fur colour arose due to a <em>random mutation </em>since it is the only source of variation. Since, in the given environmental conditions the mice having the dark fur colour were less susceptible to the predators they are better fitted to survive.
- The dark brown fur coat mice, survive better, leave more progeny and hence, increase their population with time. However, the orginal source of origin of this trait was a random mutation. Had this mutation not occured, the dark coloured fur mice would not have been there.
So, a <em>random gene mutation affecting the fur colour made the dark coloured mice first appear in the population.</em>
The answer to this question would be :4.) SpeciesIn taxonomy, the organism will be divided into different groups based on a specific character from that organism. It could be an organ
The sequence from top to bottom would be:
The lowest subgroup is called species</span></span>
The correct answer is B !! Both are interdependent thus forming a mutualistic association !!
As both can not live without each other thus making obligate !!
so They share obligate mutual association !! Go with B !!
Electron microscopes use _beam of electrons___ in order to allow for higher magnification and more detail when viewing specimens.
A beam of electrons has a shorter wavelength than normal light used in light microscopes, by approximately a factor of X 100000. Therefore, electrons microscope have the inherent attribute of having a very high resolution. They have been used to discover very small organelles in cells such as the ribosomes and mitochondria that cannot be clearly viewed even with the highest resolution in light microscopes.
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Solar power would, without doubt, be the most efficient type of power plant to build in this specific location. This is due to the fact that solar power produces no pollution in an environment. Also this type of alternative energy fits this communities resources due to the fact that the community receives primarily sun , a huge component in solar power, and little cloud coverage only increases the sun's power that much more. On the other hand, biomass needs things like wood, crops and alcohol fuels to burn in order to produce energy, some of which are not viable in this type of community because a place with little to no irrigation sources and an abundant amount of sunlight would be hard to produce any kind of natural aspect. Lastly, hydroelectric energy would not be a efficient of even viable choice because this community has no natural water available at hand to use for this alternative energy to function, and hydroelectric works primarily on a water storage.