The idea that chromosomes orient themselves randomly during metaphase I is Independent Assortment. This leads to more combinations of genes.
During metaphase I, the pair of chromosomes align in the plate of the cell. In this step, the independent assortment takes place.
The independent assortment is the distribution of different genes into two gametes, is independent, because the distribution of the different genes, does not influence the distribution of the other genes. The independent assortment leads to new combinations of genes from the parental and maternal side, resulting in offsprings that do not look exactly like their parents.
teachers teachings n my brain b like
inhalation and exhalation
Natural Selection
In natural selection process of evolution, traits that are essential for an individual to be fit enough to survive under environmental stress become dominant.
Since the flowers are of blue or yellow color, it is essential for a bee to be able enough to perceive the blue and yellow color. Hence, the eyes of bee with time have evolved to perceive these two color so that they can pollinate flower.
The answer should be an unconformity