I don't quite understand what this is about, but if it's like a like a letter to a friend about you being in the Olympics in third grade or for a third grader reading about the Olympics.
I guess if it's for a third grader, I'm reading about the Olympics, I don't know.
The answer to your question is form
Answer: Ok This is the first time I've every done a correction. But an auto biography is an account of someone's life written by that person. And it's not an auto biography if I was to write it. If I was to write it it would be a biography. But here you go.
Explanation: Wondering the streets from day to day, not knowing where his next meal would come from. The average gangs would come out every now and then and take away what little food he had. Bust still the brave dog never gave up his hopes of one day having an home. Finally the day came when he was picked up and taken to the shelter. After grooming him they put him up for adoption, where he caught the eye of a young girl by the name of Madison. The dog which had no name was soon to be named Buddy after the adoption. True to his name he stayed by his new owners side, though years past he remained Loyal through and through. To the girl that made his dreams come true.
Hope this helps