Healthy plant growth follows from sufficient water.
Contrapositive: If water is insufficient, then there isn't healthy plant growth
Increased availability of information is a necessary condition for further technological advances
Contrapositive: Absence of further technological advances implies decreased availability of information.
Errors were introduced only if there was a modification of the program.
Contrapositive: If there wasn't any modification of the program then error was not introduced into the program
Fuel savings implies good insulation or storm windows throughout.
Contrapositive: The absence of good insulation or storm windows throughout implies that there is no fuel savings.
A contrapositive statement is formed from a conditional statement as we can see from the answers above.
In a contrapositive statement, we just interchange the hypothesis and the conclusion of the inverse statement.
This implies that, when the converse of the statement is true, then the inverse of the statement is also logically true.
a) to persuade
she is doing this to propose an idea to the boss of the company
The output of the first question would be 9. And the answer the second question is 10.
Las imágenes son las percepciones visuales que las personas tienen respecto de la realidad que los rodea. Así, a través de la visión, las personas pueden interpretar el contexto en el cual se encuentran inmersos, organizando los distintos componentes de la realidad en la cual desarrollan sus vidas, para poder comprender entonces de qué modo proceder ante las diferentes eventualidades de la vida.
Es decir que, a través de las imágenes, y en conjunto con las demás percepciones sensoriales, los seres humanos pueden contextualizarse en un entorno en el cual se desenvuelven, organizando su vida y su realidad a futuro.
see explanation
Carlos can make a copy of the old presentation that preserves all the formatting, and replace old content with new information.