porphyry is an igneous rock containing conspicuous crystals called phenocrysts surrounded by a matrix of finer-grained mineral. <span>both alkali and plagioclase </span>feldspars<span> occur as irregularly shaped grains with only a few or no </span>crystal<span> faces hope it helps</span>
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Whenever a collision occurs on the road, the best thing to do is to move somewhere where you will be in the least amount of danger, and also not endanger other drivers. In this case it would be best to move to the other side of the road, at the furthest possible location from the collision. Parking near the collision puts people in danger as emergency services have to then move around the vehicle and this will take them longer.
<span>Civil Law,
It deals with the disputes between individuals.
The case filed by private party.
The decision can be found liable or not liable, the judge decides this.
Criminal Law,
It is the body of law, that deals with the crime and the leagal punishment.
Case filed by the Government.
Defendant is convicted if guilty and acquitted if not guilty, the jury decide this.</span>