The definition of family has been influenced by societal norms and values. Norms of various societies differ with some societies defining family from the extended family point of view and other from the nuclear family point of view. This depends on whether a society is collectivist or individualistic
authority over affairs like national security,war,coining,etc.
The answer is Ghana. <span> It was
known as the Gold Coast before, it gained independence from Britain. It got it
independence on March 6, 1957</span>. These are the three states’ date of
Algeria July 5th, 1962
Kenya December 12th,
Malawi July 6th,
A funeral in the South which used products made in the North
This question refers to Henry Grady's speech to the Bay State Club of Boston in 1889. In this speech, the author tries to convey the idea of the "New South." This is a new identity that Grady hopes the South could adopt in order to make itself more productive and industrial like the North. In this speech, Grady tells the story of a man who died and was buried in the South. However, he argues that the only products that the South provided for the funeral were "the man and the hole," and that all other products came from the North.