The beginning of the Precambrian period starts with the formation of Earth about 4.5 billion years ago and ends at the first sign of complex life about 540 million years ago. Though the Precambrian Period is often referred to as a period, it's actually the only supereon, which means that it spans multiple eons.
1. Yo juego voleibol con mis amigos.
2. El equipo perdio el juego de futbol.
3. Tu lanza la pelota de tenis a la cancha.
4. Nosotros preferimos comer lonche en el restaurante.
5. Ellos regresan a Louisiana el Viernes
(This is what my dad said, I’m not Republican but I agree with him) It would be very disrespectful and racist, the confederate flag is a sign of slavery.
1754 Washington's surprise attack where he surrenders
During his reign Kaiser Wilhelmina II promoted social warfare.