On the other side, the grass is greener
Answrs: Part a) "Facts from a documentary.." This is talking about the benefits of artificial organs instead of donated ones.
Part b) "There are several ..." Because it is a sentence that is likely to precede facts. The others are opinions about how something 'SHOULD' be, and aren't presenting facts or claiming something.The first one 3ven says "I think..." which is clearly an opinion.
The author is able to personalize the event by using the words we and us.
The fact that "Night" is a memoir rather than a biography or informational text helps the author achieve his purpose in the excerpt by allowing him to personalize the events by using the pronouns "we" and "us".
A memoir is historical account or biography based on personal knowledge and experience , therefore the author's purpose is achieved because he is able to personalize the experience. Using those pronouns helped bring the readers closer to the action and allowed them to "see" and "feel" the writer's emotions.
In this speech Abraham Lincoln makes a good transition by explaining how many years ago , his people first came to this new continent forming a new nation filled up with liberty and the dedication to all men created equal. He then proceeds to explain that there is a civil war forming, and this will be the time for the nation to actually show their full potential. Abraham carries on by saying that even if our people try to show their full potential, our people who have already died for us or have been fighting for us ,have made our nation more stronger that there could ever be, and we should not take credit for it , but what we should do is to proceed to fight for what they have started and proceed to finish this fight to the dedication of brave men who have made this country a better place.
A person does not have to directly challenge someone or an authority figure to be considered a hero. A lot of people are heros by helping in the background. For example, someone could be considered heroic for picking up trash, giving to charity, saving an animal or person in need, volunteering to help businesses, etc. Though you may not be considered a hero like in the comic books there are many things an average human can do to be heroic without directly involving themselves in conflict.