The Palace of Persepolis and the Maya Palace at Palenque are similar as both were constructed with high platforms and relief sculpture, the answer is true.
What is the Palace of Persepolis?
Persepolis was the capital of the Achaemenid empire, located in Iran.
It was founded by Darius I in 518 B.C.
The Apadana Palace is the oldest palace of Persepolis.
It was built on a half-artificial, half-natural terrace.
According to Arrian, Alexander destroyed the palace at Persepolis.
What is the Maya Palace at Palenque?
The Maya Palace of Palenque is an ancient royal residence of the Mayans at Palenque in Mexico.
It is one of the finest examples of Maya architecture.
The palace is famous for its decorative stucco sculpture and low relief carvings.