The making of replicas of the original fossils, is pretty much the say way, just different materials, in which the fossils originally have been formed and preserved.
When an organism dies, be it a plant or an animal, it gets fossilized only if very quickly after the death it is covered with sediments or mud. The sediments or the mud protect the plant or animal from the outside influences, so once it is kind of in a vacuum, or protective layer if you will, in which parts of the plant or animal that are long-lasting are preserved.
The clay and plaster used for the replica, work in the same way, because they wrap around the fossil tightly and isolate it from outside influences, with the result being different though, as they just make a copy of the fossil.
The best answer is (1)
Fossil fuels are commercially available as an energy source.
They are very easy to find. More and more extractions of fossil fuels is going on everyday. With advancement in science and technology, the refineries and extraction procedures have improved a lot. This makes their availability even better.
Fossil fuels are also easily combustible. Most combustion engines need to be powered with little amount of fuel to produce large amount of energy. Very large amounts of electricity can be generated from fossil fuels.
making hole in the same to get the new DNA into the cell
(D) Strenuous exercise has caused her body to be in oxygen debt, and she is breathing hard while lactate is transported to the liver. This is a result of anaerobic respiration.
As Frida was exercising, her muscle cells were undergoing a frantic pace of metabolism (contraction and relaxation), where oxygen supply did not supply the required effort, thus causing muscle fatigue and heavy breathing.
Physical activity is synonymous with moving muscles. The more muscle fibers strive to accomplish a task, the more they consume the oxygen brought into the bloodstream. When this occurs, the body begins to breathe hard as lactate is transported to the liver.
This forces the lungs to work at a fast pace, as they are responsible for oxygenation. The heart also speeds up because it needs to pump blood more vigorously. This is why during exercise the heart rate and breathing rate increase and we breathe heavily.
2and3 only are the defense