The extended simile in the passage is: As when a circling wall the builder forms, Of strength defensive against wind and storms, Compacted stones the thickening work compose, and round him wide the rising structure grows.
A simile is a figure of speech that compares one thing from another thing of a different kind. It adds meaning to the text because it emphasizes the:
a. Strength of the wall - which is likened to being a barrier that can be used as protection from wind and storms.
b. Size of the structure - which was built with hours of hard work and construction materials that can withstand such great forces of war.
- They illustrate the changing role in women history.
William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream shows different resolute ladies whom were limited by society. In spite of these limiting conditions these decided females battled for what they really wanted.
Despite seemingly insurmountable opposition they stood firm and stood firm for the sake of genuine love.
good afternoon have a nice day ahead
1.A relative location is the position of something relative to another landmark. For example, you might say you're 50 miles west of Houston. An absolute location describes a fixed position that never changes, regardless of your current location. It is identified by specific coordinates, such as latitude and longitude.
2.Every place occupies a unique location, or position, on Earth's surface, and geographers have many ways to identify location. combination of cultural and physical features. ... Three basic concepts—scale, space, and connections—help geographers explain why these similarities do not result from coincidence.
3.Lines of latitude (parallels) run east-west around the globe and are used to measure distances NORTH and SOUTH of the equator. Since the equator is 0 , the latitude of the north pole, 1/4 of the way around the globe going in a northerly direction, would be 90 N.
this seems to be enough information to go on with this assignment. try to do the rest if you need further assistance just ask.