With a land size of 109 sq mi, Queens is by far the largest borough, with Brooklyn representing the second greatest land area of 71 sq mi. With only 42 and 23 square miles, respectively, The Bronx and Manhattan are the smallest.
The majority of wealthy New Yorkers reside in Manhattan, as one might anticipate. Overall, almost half of the 50 richest NYC neighborhoods are in Manhattan, including the top 15, while Brooklyn is home to 19 of the city's priciest nabes, and Queens and Staten Island are home to 5 and 1, respectively.
While Brooklyn evolved into a town and later a city by integrating nearby towns in Kings County, Queens is a collection of villages inside the county. Greenpoint, Williamsburg, East Williamsburg, and Bushwick proper are all parts of what used to be the relatively sizable town of Bushwick, which stretched from the East River.
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