Yes, law enforcement can use the recording in court because it is a direct personal threat.
Pat is threatening Terry with violence and possible murder, which is impiled when Pat said "No one will ever find your body". This can be used in court to support Terry's case that Pat has or could become violent and hurt Terry at some point.
majority opinion by Henry B. Brown. The Court held that the state law was constitutional. In an opinion authored by Justice Henry Billings Brown, the majority upheld state-imposed racial segregation.
Work zone speed limits are usually lower than the initial speed limit. This speed limit is the highest you may drive within the area. While workers are not present, law enforcement are. Fines still apply and may be doubled.
The intermediate sanction that offenders can receive, which requires them to attend a location daily to continue rehabilitation, is through the provision of services to the community.
Community service can be an intermediary sanction applied to offenders of minor crimes. The community service, in this case, requires that the offenders work for free in institutions determined by a judge, for a period of time also determined by that judge. These institutions promote some type of service performed to help a community. This work must be carried out every day in the same place, which will be chosen by the judge and the institution responsible for receiving the offender.
A stock market bubble is a period of growth in stock prices followed by a fall. They often form when traders enter a self-sustaining cycle of growth. They gain momentum as more and more participants enter the market.