The more supply, the less demand. The less supply, the more demand.
You could be a coach of some sort or you could try to be a profesinal athlete or you could be a triner
Using Quantifiers: ¬∃x¬S(x)≡ ∀xS(x)
English Language: All drivers obey the speed limit
The domain is the set of all drivers i.e. the domain of drivers
Let S(x) be the predicate “x obeys the speed limit.”
The above statement can be written as ∃x¬S(x),
The negation is represented by ¬∃x¬S(x)≡ ∀xS(x)
In English Language, it is ->, all drivers obey the speed limit
produce a profit
<u>Price</u> refers to the amount of money that is paid by one party to another to acquire a particular commodity or in return for unit of commodities. Some of the factors that determines the price of a commodity include cost of production, product demand, product supply, targeted profit, and among others.
A <u>profit</u> is the amount earned from selling a commodity minus the amount expended to purchase, operate, or produce the commodity.
The primary aim of an entrepreneur is to make a profit, and price setting is one of the important activities that influences a profit. Since the higher the price, the higher may be the profit. However, a higher price may also dicourage customers from buying a product and then reduces profit.
Therefore, setting prices for products and services requires entrepreneurs to balance a multitude of complex forces as entrepreneurs determine prices for their goods and services that will draw customers and <u>produce a profit</u>.
a) functional planning
The functional planning is the planning that need to be done for each type of department so that the goals and the objectives of the company could be accomplish in a efficient and effective manner
Since in the question it is mentioned that the marketing manager have set a goal to rise the sales by 12% over the next three years so this represent that the manager is engaged in the functional planning