Postmillenialism believes...
the kingdom of God is currently advancing
On of the arguments against a pre-tribulational rapture based on 1 Thesalonians 4:15-17 is...
doesn't reference a secret coming
The New Testament clearly speaks of bodily resurrection.
Historic premillennialism believes...
there will be a literal millennium on the earth (but no pre-tribulational rapture)
Virtually all scholars believe in the rapture.
Jesus' promise of his presence to believers in the present is the same as his second coming.
Amillenialism believes...
the millennium is spiritual
There will be a future coming judgment.
he French and Indian War, a colonial manifestation of the same forces and tensions that erupted in the European Seven Years' War, was, quite simply, a war about imperialism. The French and the English were competing for land and trading rights in North America; these strivings resulted in a great deal of disputed land, particularly that of the rich Ohio Valley. Each nation saw this territory as vital in its effort to increase its own power and wealth while simultaneously limiting the strength of its rival. Although the war itself therefore stemmed from a fairly simple motivation, its consequences were far- reaching. The English victory in the war decided the colonial fate of North America, and yet at the same time sowed the seeds of the eventual colonial revolution. After the war, the British ended their century-long policy of salutary neglect, attempting to keep the colonials under a more watchful eye. The British also raised taxes in an effort to pay for the war. Both of these postwar policies resulted in massive colonial discontent and added to the budding nationalism that eventually exploded in the Revolutionary War.
In literary and historical analysis, presentism is the anachronistic introduction of present-day ideas and perspectives into depictions or interpretations of the past. Modern historians seek to avoid presentism in their work because they consider it a form of cultural bias, and believe it creates a distorted understanding of their subject matter.[1] The practice of presentism is regarded by some as a common fallacy when writing about the past.
Madison argued in favor of a larger republic
According to his paper "Federalist 10", Madison argued that a representative body that is too small be insufficient to represent all of the interests and opinions of the nation. The larger the representative body, the better since it allows more opinions and prevents tyranny.
"...the same advantage which a republic has over a enjoyed by a large over a small republic," (Third to last paragraph of Federalist 10)
actually it wasnt a massacre a massacre by defination was killing people who cant fight back or something like that. The british killed the townspeople who were throwing things like heavy rocks, nails, and lots of sharp an d dangerous things, the british merely had stronger weapons.