??? Can you explain your question more??
Nativism-a policy favoring native born people over immigrants.
Fear of losing jobs
Dislike of immigrants' political or religious views
Felling that immigrants did not fit into US society
Marxism came from the the writing of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engles. They wrote the communist manifesto and Das Kapital, the ideas mentioned in these books came to be known as Marxism. According to Marx and Engles the common workers were <em>proletariat</em> and those who held power in the society were <em>bourgeoisie</em>, the society was always divided into classes and the bourgeoisie has always exploited the proletariat. The struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat has been going on in all of history. They both believed that in a perfect world these classes wont't exist and bourgeoisie would disappear.