El Foro y la Mesa Redonda son muy similar pero tienen tambien una grande diferencia. El foro tambien donde se reunen para discutir diferentes asuntos y donde todos escuchando pueden intevenir en la discusion, incluyendo el auditorio. La Mesa redonda es mas para una cierta cantidad de sujetos que se reunen para desarollar un tema en especifico. En otras palabras la gran diferencia entre las dos son la cantidad de individuos que participan en la discussion.
This is a poor use of the Communication Channel. These are the physical instruments that help in communication such as writing, email or cell phone. This channel facilitates communication, widens it and allows the message to be transmitted more quickly. In this case, the use is poor because the note is very short and this type of messages is better to give them face to face.
capitalist class
In simple words, as per the sociologist Dennis Gilbert The 'capitalist class' is considered to be the population of individuals who own the factors of production and hire workers.
'In the industrial world they have an upper hand as they prefer to extract the jobs from the workers to the labourers to retain the income. The employees are sacrificing their desire to earn their daily pay and hard work.
Unified the allies front against the axis
The United States was a key player in the Second world war. As the Japanese forces rallied at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, they took the Americans by surprise. What resulted was a mammoth loss of life totaling around 2300 people. A massive impact on the American navy fleet and chief of all, a huge depletion of the American oil storage. Had the Japanese pressed further, almost all the oil reserves in the tankers held at the harbor would have been destroyed. On this account, the war could have even lasted much more longer.
The attack on the Harbor dealt a huge blow on the American people, it united a divided nation for war. What followed was a deadly response from American. It spurred the nation to go for the war.
A. Values.
A conflict of values is present whenever a, or group of individuals, find themselves threatened by other people's ideals or actions, as the former perceive that aspects of their identities are being undervalued and undermined.
Regarding the example, the Mulsims were angered by the legislation since it denied them the right to wear their religious clothes - an aspect considered to be a prime element for a Muslim.